Sunday, September 16, 2007


I am happy to say i have landed here on earth - blogging is way overdue, time to get with the times! not that i have any time...! i'm too busy trying to find time, to keep time, beat time, live the time(s)! it ain't easy, i know, i'm with you, my peeps, but we got to crawl, bat, mesh, hustle, and bear through it all... alas, to get to a safe haven, a retreat, a temple we can call home. to take our shoes off, and bathe in the eternal peaceful blissful momentary lapse called family. ahhh, to grow old - and numb, defiantly succumbed to mediocraty - is to appreciate the present more and more.
anyway, i hope you enjoy my blog. i hope to visit more often than you!
and i hope you keep in touch - with constructive, suggestive, inventive, and enlightening critique.