Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dave Grohl South By Southwest (SXSW) 2013 Keynote Speech in Full

"i didn't hear solos, i heard voices", says Dave G.
Very true. I always heard music - or musicians playing - as people conversing, saying actual words and phrasing sentences. they can't all speak at once (not all the time), they have to listen to each other, to allow each other the space to express/convey their feeling thoughts. it all starts with self-respect, having found one's voice, and believing in its value, as something worthy of that respect and admiration; that it must be listened to, and perhaps even learned from. nevertheless, know you don't know all, and have much to learn from others, to listen to them, and to respect those that 'speak' to you. it all takes time, and much LUCK, but the good ones do eventually get heard - along with the less worthy ones, cause hey you gotta please the 'common' folk. :)
i think however that Dave is sometimes a little extreme, which is part of his charm of course! For example, he's at times too cynical about the help you can get from the 'establishment', because i believe you can still 'own' your music, and not lose your artistic creation, while definitely benefiting from the assistance and guidance of experienced professionals. They're not all Benihana lunch-buying leeches! You can attend to music and coffee, while they can attend to other things. this, too, takes a lot of time to learn. one thing i have found to be true (and it took me also a while to learn): you have to trust in others, even strangers, who can help you along the way, and what seems like a 'sell-out' can turn out to be a blessing you would otherwise not have lived to see because you didn't give it a chance, because you didn't really trust, because you wanted to do it on your own, because you didn't want to lose control. to live life fully you have to take risks, and sometimes it does hurt. never lose sight of what you believe, especially when others are telling you otherwise, but don't assume you can do everything on your own, all the time.
A lot of wisdom in what he says, and i respect him immensely for his musicianship, accomplishments and sincerity, but you can be 'driven' and have success as well with an embracing soft and open mind.

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