Sunday, October 15, 2023

War on Israel, on democracy, on humanity. 

I'm sorry to admit, and say out loud perhaps what most think: radical beliefs, which develop slowly over time, erupting in violent attacks, are around us all, and in every backyard, every government, and if you think they are insignificant and limited, know that you are very wrong, and if you think it's all about and because of Jews, know that you are very wrong, and if you think it's a small incessant battle between Semitic tribes, again and as usual fighting somewhere far away in the Middle East, know that you are very very wrong. Wake up, and voice and vote, and educate, and hope the God it isn't already too late, because these extremists, and there are so many of them, are out to rid of everyone, including you whoever you may be, and in this case it's a terrorist group named Hamas that started it. So please do not despair, but take this seriously, if only for your own sake, the threat is not far from you, unfortunately it is right under your nose. Good luck to us all.

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